
How Back Office Staffing Software Beats Payroll Service Providers

On the back office side of staffing, there will always be a hunt for inefficiencies or cost-reduction. In some cases, that might even lead decision-makers to outsource to payroll service providers in the hopes of adopting the most cost-effective option. However, when staffing software is equipped with back office features that lower the cost associated … Continued

Software Best Practices

At times you may wonder what could be done to capitalize on the investment that was made in staffing and recruiting software for your organization. When you installed your software, something was supposed to happen that didn’t. You thought that it would change the way business was managed and yield all sorts of efficiencies and … Continued

In-House vs. Outsourced Payroll: Which Is Right For You?

Payroll is the bedrock of the staffing industry. Nothing rivals it in importance and mistakes are rarely tolerated. A payroll system that is efficient and effective is an absolute requirement for a staffing business to thrive. As a result, many staffing company owners question their ability to shoulder this responsibility and are quick to look … Continued

Stop Wasting Time! Let Staffing Software Automation End These Tasks

How is your hiring time being spent? On simple and repetitive grunt work or on the important stuff: screening, interviewing, placing, and onboarding candidates? Routine staffing and recruiting duties don’t drive revenue or boost productivity. So why not automate them when you can? We can all agree that both front and back office operations have … Continued

4 Ways to Capitalize Staffing Software

Successful people make the conscious decision to use all the tools and resources that they have and keep an eye open for new opportunities. Staffing industry professionals are no different. Staffing firms that take advantage of staffing software technology are using the resources that are available to them to create a more efficient business.

Best Staffing Software: 5 Key Elements

Every company has different recruitment and staffing needs. However, there are key essentials that you should make sure your staffing software solution has. The 5 Key Elements to the Best Staffing Software:

Benefits of Switching to a Cloud-Based Staffing Software Solution

We are currently living in unusual times– so unusual it feels like we are living in one big dream. These past few weeks, the nation has needed to adjust to new norms, including “social distancing,” a term most of us have never even heard of before this all started. Companies have adjusted to 100% remote … Continued

5 Ways Staffing Software Reduces Manual Labor and Boosts Performance

Many recruiting and staffing agencies suffer from one common problem: an absence of an integrated staffing software platform. Recruiters spend their days hindered in administrative busy-work, navigating though redundant practices, and digging through mountains of paperwork. The result? The focus on clients’ needs is slashed. Recruiters spend more time sorting and organizing, and have less … Continued

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4 Signs it’s Time to Breakup with Your Staffing Software

The staffing and recruiting industry is all about relationships, whether it’s keeping up with candidates or checking in with clients. However, one relationship that isn’t as commonly talked about is just as important.  That relationship is the one between a staffing professional and their staffing software. Your software should be a true companion making your … Continued


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