4 Signs it’s Time to Breakup with Your Staffing Software

By Sarah Greene

February 21, 2018

The staffing and recruiting industry is all about relationships, whether it’s keeping up with candidates or checking in with clients. However, one relationship that isn’t as commonly talked about is just as important.  That relationship is the one between a staffing professional and their staffing software.

Your software should be a true companion making your life better and easier.   Just like in real relationships if you don’t have the right partner, your relationship won’t last forever.

But how can you tell your relationship with your software has gone sour? Here are some telltale signs it’s time to move on:

  1. You’re not growing together.

In the staffing and recruiting industry, it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve.  You need to be well versed in new technology that makes communicating with candidates and clients easier.  If your company is embracing the most up to date technology and your software isn’t— it might be time to try something new.  The right tools can make all the difference.  For example, you need the ability to connect with candidates and clients via text message and social media; your software needs to make that process as quick and easy as possible.   Make sure your next software partner is dedicated to staying up to date with the ever-changing technology.

  1. It only gives the bare minimum.

Working at a staffing company is much more than just finding candidates and filling job orders. The software you use should cover every aspect of your business from front office to back office.  Your team may need to conduct background checks, stay ACA compliant, process payroll, keep track of WOTC, etc. Your staffing software should be able to provide those services or partner with the vendors that do.  While it may not seem like a big deal if you’ve never had these services right at your fingertips, once you do you’ll wish you had them sooner.

  1. It can never ‘go out with’ you.

It is 2018, your staffing software needs to have on-the-go capabilities! You can’t be tied to down to a desk all day. If you want a long lasting relationship you need to be able to take your solution out of the office. It should be accessible on a laptop, smart phone, and tablet.  Find software that has a mobile app and/or a web-based solution for easy recruiting at a coffee shop, at home, or anywhere else life might take you.  

  1. You’re not getting the support you need.

One of the most important parts of a relationship is building a strong support system; your relationship with your staffing software is no different. Your software provider should be there for you when you need it. If your software is constantly giving you problems and the provider isn’t helping you, it’s time to leave.  Before you jump into a relationship with another provider find out as much about the support team as you can. You will rely on them, especially during those first few weeks of training and integration.

Even though breakups are sad and getting used to something new can be scary, anyone who’s found love again after a heartbreak knows it’s all for the best.   Just like a real breakup, once you move on you’re closer to finding the “One!”

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