Search Results for resume importer
Viral Marketing & LinkedIn®
“Viral Marketing” is a term used to describe techniques that use social media in order to increase brand awareness and various other marketing goals. Typically, this type of marketing will appeal to individuals that have high social networking potential. The key to this type of marketing is that “word will spread” by individuals communicating within … Continued
Goodbye Dud Candidate, Hello Stellar Recruit!
How to recruit stellar candidates! EVERYONE has trouble recruiting good candidates. Where are they? Where did they go? How do you find them? That’s the million-dollar question that all recruiters find themselves asking at one point or another. There are four key denominators, however, that can help you get rid of the dud candidates and … Continued
Why Johnny Can’t Sell
All of the boxes were checked: good education, personable, impressive resume, professional and fairly solid work history. Couple short stints were bad luck layoffs or poor career choices that dictated a quick change. No one would expect someone to stay at a job if they were miserable. Everything started out fine. The eager beaver was … Continued
Best Staffing Software: 5 Key Elements
Every company has different recruitment and staffing needs. However, there are key essentials that you should make sure your staffing software solution has. The 5 Key Elements to the Best Staffing Software:
Medical Staffing Software: 3 Must-Have Components of a Good Solution
If you own a Medical Staffing Firm, then you know that medical staffing software is one of the most vital pieces of your company. The healthcare industry is an industry unlike any other, and it requires a staffing software solution that addresses the specific needs in scheduling, credentials, and the ability to complete these tasks on … Continued
Maintaining Your Database
Our firm just acquired another company including their database. Much of the information is dated. What is the best way to maintain a database? There are many ways to effectively accomplish this. First, when your people make phone calls, have them ask questions about the company, including confirmation of employees, phone #’s, email addresses, etc. … Continued
Keep Up With Internet Savvy Clients and Candidates
In speaking with some college grads you may hear, “Let me follow your Twitter® for a while so I can see what types of jobs you offer”. When that happens does a “thinking cloud” appear above your head that says, “Follow me on Twitter®? I don’t post jobs on Twitter®! What do I say?” How … Continued
Transferring Applicant Information from the Web to your Software
How can applicant information from the web get into my software? It all starts with your web site. The company that does your web site should talk to the company that does your software. Your software company will let them know what format the system needs the data to be in. Once applicant self-entry is … Continued
Ultra Staff <i>EDGE</i> Front Office
Continuously Innovating So You Can Continuously Grow
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