
Automated Business Designs Acclaims their 4th Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® Award

Staffing and recruiting software provider wins distinguished company culture award for 4th consecutive year. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing and recruiting software, was named one of Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in 2019. This prestigious honor is now the fourth time that ABD has been recognized by Chicago’s … Continued

Automated Business Designs is Moving to a New Office!

It has been an exceptional year!  Thank you to all of our extraordinary customers for partnering with ABD to MAKE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN!!!!!! There is a lot happening at ABD but first let’s start with our new office headquarters! After 25 years at our current location in Rosemont, IL our expansion plans take us to … Continued

I’m Automated! Now What?

If you choose to use staffing software to help run your business then you are “automated”. However, automation offers a variety of return, all based upon software features that are available and implementation of processes within the organization. New staffing software is exciting but how come it always looks better and more affective when the … Continued

How Staffing Agencies Can Avoid the Notorious ATS Black Hole

The dreaded ATS black hole. We have all experienced it more than we would like to admit at one point or another. Candidates fear that their resumes and information will get lost among the thousands of entries in the database, and recruiters claim that they can never find anybody with their systems. With thousands and … Continued

4 Big Mistakes to Avoid With Your Staffing Data

Do you consider yourself a hoarder? You may be thinking to yourself: “I’m not like one of those crazy people on cable TV!” Really? What if I were to toss your cell phone in the trash, delete your Social Media accounts, and wipe clear your computer. Just the thought of losing all your personal data … Continued

Automated Marketing Tools

I would like to do more marketing. Are there any automation tools that can help me with this? First make sure you use reporting in order to analyze your business. If you cannot produce facts about business activity, it is very difficult to determine what your marketing goals should be. Next, use automation to document … Continued

5 Reasons Why Strong CRM Software is Essential for Staffing Firms

Imagine arriving at the office early one morning and just as you’re settling down at your desk, your manager waltzes into your office with a question. “Are our customers happy?” “Um…I think they are,” you reply sheepishly. “How do you know?” Awkward silence…. How do you know?

What Should Staffing Software Do for You?

Has your staffing software been a major disappointment? Is it costing you more time and money than it makes for you? Ever wonder what the problem could be? You did the research, compared products and thought you selected the best software for your needs. How did the project go south? First, do you know your … Continued

Careers at ABD

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In Two Years, Ultra-Staff EDGE has become one of the most respected Enterprise Class Staffing Software Solutions in the Industry.

Join Automated Business Designs in celebrating the two-year anniversary of Ultra-Staff EDGE! CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing software, is celebrating the two-year anniversary of their web-based front office solution, Ultra-Staff EDGE!  ABD has funneled its 36 years of staffing industry experience and customer ideas into the solution.  In just two short … Continued


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