
8 Tips for Making Your Virtual Job Fair A Success

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the need to be creative and think outside of the box. Really this applies to everything we do now: From turning family gatherings to family zoom calls; attending in-person concerts to streaming concerts live; watching sports with fans to watching sports with digital fans; eating at packed … Continued

3 Lessons I Learned from Temping

By now you’ve probably heard about the gig economy, and let’s face it– the phrase isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, predictions show 43% of the workforce is expected to fall under this category by 2020. Just in case you’re not familiar with the term, a gig economy is defined as, “a labor market … Continued

How Candidate Response Rates Rise with the Right Staffing Software

For some staffing firms, good candidate response rates resemble MLB batting averages. If a recruiter gets a 25% response rate from passive candidates, it’s presumed that person surpasses most of the competition. However, since 6% of recruiters consistently get response rates of 50% or better, there are clearly ways to use strategy and smarts to … Continued

The Staffing Marketing Tool That Takes the Mystery Out of Marketing

Preventing your brand messaging from getting lost in the chatter may be one of the most difficult challenges facing members of the staffing industry today. Your clients and candidates have no shortage of staffing firms to select from, most of which claim equal expertise or offer a comparable value proposition. To be noticed, let alone … Continued

Efficient and Effective Job Posting With Your Staffing Software

In 2013, the staffing industry generated approximately $122 billion in sales. With the industry experiencing rapid growth, staffing and recruiting companies are facing more competition in the marketplace than ever before. With this growing issue, firms have to fill orders faster and are looking for ways to get their positions out to the workforce as … Continued

Using 40% of Your Staffing Software?

No one ever buys anything with the intent of using a small percentage of the product. Generally, when one makes a major purchase there is a good amount of research involved and desired features are scrutinized for efficiency and effectiveness. There may be yes/no checklists involved, various conversations with the vendor and many product demonstrations. … Continued

Staffing- 30 Great Years!

It’s hard to believe that our company has been involved in the staffing industry for 30 years.  As I look back there are so many fond memories of the people that we have worked with. The best part of working with the staffing industry is the people. The people of staffing are innovative so we … Continued

Write Better Recruiting Emails that Candidates Will Respond To

Recruiting emails and messaging are usually the ice breaker in contacting and connecting with candidates. However, many emails go unnoticed. How can recruiters tailor the perfect email with a high response rate? If you’re looking for a a straight forward solution, or an easy fix, this is not the blog post for you. This blog post … Continued

Social Recruiting: What Not To Do In Social Media Recruiting

Using social media for recruiting candidates is becoming a mainstream strategy among staffing and recruiting agencies. 60% of recruiting companies predict social recruiting to be the next evolution in recruiting strategies. If you are incorporating social recruiting – and have absolutely no results – you may want to look at your efforts in a new light. There … Continued

5 Ways Staffing Software Reduces Manual Labor and Boosts Performance

Many recruiting and staffing agencies suffer from one common problem: an absence of an integrated staffing software platform. Recruiters spend their days hindered in administrative busy-work, navigating though redundant practices, and digging through mountains of paperwork. The result? The focus on clients’ needs is slashed. Recruiters spend more time sorting and organizing, and have less … Continued


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