
ABD Unveils New Ultra-Staff Dashboard Application

 ROSEMONT, Illinois – February 25, 2015-Automated Business Designs, Inc., developer of Ultra-Staff staffing software, today announced a brand-new version of its Dashboard reporting application.

Applicant Onboarding – The New Staffing Challenge

Collecting information about candidates has never been more important or relevant.  Staffing companies are now beyond “the information age”.  Today the world of staffing is completely saturated with social media, email and electronic communication through websites.  Branding has never been more vital.  The floodgates have opened whether companies want to participate or not.  That being … Continued

ABD Announces New OnBoarding Suite

Automated Business Design, Inc. has released OnBoarding Suite, a fully automated application process that is integrated with ABD’s signature staffing software Ultra-Staff. OnBoarding Suite redistributes the work load that is generally included within the process of hiring new employees, and allows for existing employees to uphold their individual records directly through the company’s website. The … Continued

Let’s Go Mobile!

Recruit using a cell phone?  Why not?  We seem to do everything else on our mobile devices.  From groceries, to directions, downloading music, checking our bank account, emailing, texting, checking weather, checking time (who needs a watch) and sometimes we even talk on the cell.  The bottom-line is that information is important and getting information … Continued

A Whole New Workforce: How to Keep Millennial Candidates Engaged

Millennials otherwise known as Generation Y, have now become the largest group of professionals in the U.S. Labor Force, making up 1/3 of employees. ¹ These are individuals that were born between the years 1981 and 1996. While I was surprised to hear that millennials now have the largest population in the workforce, it does … Continued

How Your Staffing Software Solution Wins Candidates’ Trust

Candidates have a choice about which staffing firm represents them. Every touch point with your company does one of two things: convinces candidates to trust you or to move their search elsewhere. Your recruiters are obviously part of that equation, but what about your staffing software solution? You better believe it. When the staffing experience … Continued

Let’s Talk Resumes

Everything pretty much starts with a resume. Even if a physical resume is not received some type of resume profile must be put together before an applicant can be placed. There are many different options to consider in the process of getting resumes entered into your staffing and recruiting database. A very basic option is … Continued

Careers at ABD

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Talent Management: Managing your Greatest Assets with Staffing Software

Talent Management, a term developed in a 1997 study by McKinsey & Company, is the process of recruiting, retaining, and developing skilled employees. People are a Staffing Company’s greatest asset. Having a pool of qualified applicants ready to work is invaluable. An online recruitment management system is an integral first step in finding and assessing a large pool … Continued

What’s Best for Your Software?

“To Host” or “Not to Host”? It’s a topic that is constant, along with all of the other industry buzzwords, whenever software is mentioned. “Software on demand”, “subscription based software”, and “in the cloud” are all commonly remarked phrases. What does it all mean? Is server-based software simply an old-fashioned relic? Many today would like … Continued


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